"This know also, that in the last days perilous time shall come. For men shall be........covetous....."2 Timothy 3:1-2 friends, we are in end times, and this end times is a perilous time. Because the bible says, these last days, perilous time shall come. Perilous times is the most difficult time this world has ever pass through, we are in it already! It is a period when so many believers in Christ will miss the track. They will compromise their faith, for money and materials. They will compromise their faith for men, or women, immorality, drunkenness, and sexual perversion.etc. This end time is a period of apostasy, people will leave strong heavens doctrine of all round holiness and discipline to weak biblical teachings which only establish them on the world territory, and after death face judgment to hell! Because it lacks holiness, and discipline, which could guarantee their eternal life in heaven! And one of the end times virus which we are discussing today is, covetousnes...