Have you ever thought of how you can
receive something from God as believer
in Christ? And you can’t obtain anything
from God when faith is absent in your
life. That is why we are looking at this
essential virtue in Christian life,
which is faith.
Christian journey is built on faith and
without faith it is impossible to please
God because anybody that comes to Him
must believe that He is a re-warder of
them that seek Him with a pure heart.
Faith is believing in unseen things, that
is, trusting God to fulfill what he has
said. This means you believe God’s
promises even when what you requested
from God is not yet in your hand. The
Scripture puts it this way: “Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen” Hebrews 11:1.
When there is faith, doubt will be
absent. It makes you to obtain from God
and gives you hope for the future and
eternal life with God.
Many Christians today are suffering
because; they have no faith in them.
Without faith you are void of divine
sustenance. In the scripture, elders
obtained good report from God through
faith – Hebrews 11: 2.
Before I end this post, I will like to
highlight some of the elders that
obtained good report through faith
Abel: Faith makes you to offer to God
sacrificially without withholding good things
from God. Abel’s sacrifices spoke for him
even in the grave. We become testimony in
our generation by the sacrifices we made
here on earth, Genesis 4:4.
Enoch: His life pleased God to take him alive.
Our faith will help us to do everything that
pleases God because without faith it is
impossible to please God. The Bible recorded
that God translated him; ‘for before his
translation, he had this testimony, that he
pleased God.’ Our life must be a testimony
before we will be translated.
Noah: Oh! This is one of the elders that his life
and ministry was full of challenges to me, I
hope to you also. His faith in God for the
unseen future made him to begin to build an
ark as instructed by God for the deliverance
of his people. The scripture said he “...being
warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with
fear, prepare an ark to the saving of his house…”
Hebrews 11: 7.
How many times have God given us
instruction and vision to reach to the dying
souls around us? This blog was designed not
because I want to own a blog but it was
purely Divine mandate given to me to use it to
reach to souls around and far from me since I
will not be able to travel round the world to
preach the gospel of salvation to the dying
All of us, believers, should learn from the life
of Noah, he got the vision and the mandate to
build an ark, without procrastinating, made
the ark for the purpose of saving
generations. God wants us to exhibit this
character of faith.
Abraham: This is yet another man that God
respected. He was told to leave his country
to a country which He (He) will show him, he
obeyed without doubt or murmuring or
questioning God. He left his country, his
brethren, and relatives to an unknown
country by faith.
This is a man that God told to sacrifice his
only son (Isaac), he obeyed, but God never
allowed him to slew ‘the child of promise’,
Isaac. Every action Abraham took was
counted for him for righteousness.
How many of us have this kind of faith that
Abraham had? Can we carry out any
instruction without murmuring or complaining?
Our obedience draws us to God and opens all
closed doors for us. God said; “I know thy
works: behold, I have set before thee and
open door, and no man can shut it, for thou
hast little strength, and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.” Revelation 3:8.
Our obedient life separates us from
disobedient people.
Sarah: I so much admire this woman of faith.
So found God to be faithful to His words. She
never doubt God when she was told that she
will conceive and bear a child but the
scripture said she “laughed” because of her
age, ninety-years of age. God’s word is true
and he is faithful that promised. With faith, we
can achieve the impossible. You don’t need to
worry because of the condition you found
yourself. Are you barren, impotent, failure in
life, poor, struck with deadly sickness? Don’t
worry, what God requires from you is your
faithfulness to His promise, he will fulfill
everything that concerns you in Jesus’ name!
Moses: I cannot conclude this post without
remembering ‘father’ Moses who his life from
birth to death was characterized with faith.
He refused to associate himself with the
Egyptians, refused to be called the son of
Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to
suffer with the children of God. What a life!
We need his kind if faith, he trusted God to
deliver the Israelite out of Egypt, he trusted
God to divide the red sea for them, feed them
in the wilderness. Our faith makes a way for
God is still searching for a man/woman of
uncommon faith in this generation we are.
Faith is what we need if our life will be
remembered in the future. Many people in the
Bible days have demonstrated this faith and
now the baton is in our hand to continue
where they stop.
I will advise you to read the book of Hebrews
chapter 11and you will be fully challenged and
discover many elders of faith not forgetting
Jacob, Joseph, The Harlot Rahab, Daniel,
Elijah, Elisha, oh! The list is long.
God expects us to write our name among
these faithful ‘Soldier’ from now onward and
great will be your testimony.
Help to share this post and God will richly bless you in
Jesus’ name.
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