Casting all your care upon Him;
he careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7
Jesus cares, he is there with you to take your
burden off from you right now, all you need
to do now is to cast all your sorrows,
failures, burdens upon
Him and see him remove them in a flick of an
Human beings are the most doubtful of all
creatures. They do things on their own, that
is, depending on their human ability to
accomplish everything even when in difficult
situations. Some depend on their relatives for
assistance. The man at the pool of Bethesda
in John 5:7 complained that he ‘had no man’
to put him into the pool for his cleansing. God
is always there to provide our needs. He
wants us to trust Him at all time. It is
disheartening to see “many seek the ruler’s
favour…” without know that “…whosoever
putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe
(Proverbs 29:25, 26).
Experiences have shown that when you put
your trust and confidence in man, there is
tendency that you will face disappointment. Be
wise friend.
The scripture also reveals that the kings that
trusted in the arm of men for victory in
battles were all defeated while those that put
their trust in God were victorious. The case
study was that of King Hezekiah in 2
Chronicle 32; Hezekiah casted all burden of
Judah upon the “… for by strength shall no
man prevail.” 1 Samuel 2:9.
Lord for their victory over Assyria. Despite
the threat and boasting from Sennacherib,
king of Assyria, Judah still prevail over them,
Assyria. Why? Because they casted their
entire burden upon the Lord. They knew they
can not fight and defeat their enemies;
therefore, they put everything in God’s hand.
We need to understand that we cannot
overcome any mighty by the strength that we
have and the scripture said that
Until you realize that God has the key and
answer to everything in life, you can not go
far in your pursuit.
Sometimes in life we solely depend on
ourselves for victory or success and
end up being failure, why? That answer
is simple and that was what Apostle
Paul declared to Corinthian church in
2Corinthians 3: 4 and 5;
“ A such trust have we through Christ to god-ward: Not
that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as
of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.”
Men are limited in everything but God is
unlimited in all things. He owns everything as
you know. He is closer to you than the clothe
you are putting on. If the earthly father can
take care of their children, how much more
God the own of the earthly father? The maker
and owner of all things that exist. Don’t you
think he can take care of your entire situation
and the circumstances that may arise?
Cast all your burden upon Him now for He
cares for you.
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