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"This know also, that in the last days perilous
times shall come. For men shall be lover of
their own selves.." 2 Timothy 1-2

perilous times is the end time that we are in
now! It is the most difficult times in the
history of this world!

Because Satan knows that the end times is
here, and he knows that he has a short time.
So all he is after is to make things to be very
difficult. So that countless people in the world
can go to perdition. And so that even believers
in Christ can compromise their faith, and
thereby come short of heaven.

The difficulties we are talking about here is
that believers in Christ will take the things of
god so lightly, without much seriousness!

The first end time’s spiritual virus the Bible
talk about here is that men shall be lover of
their own selves. Selfishness!
That is the order of the day in the world
today, even among believers in Christ

. The
reasons behind embezzling public funds and
cheating here and there in public and spiritual
settings is because the end time virus called,
selfishness has penetrated everywhere!
We've heard of all manners of stealing even
from the altars of god today, because we are
in the perilous times, it is a difficult times that
is why the things that happens in the body of
Christ, and with the people that are named
after Christ are unbelievable!
This is the time Jesus foretold that if he come
will he meet faith on the earth? The faith
believers hold seriously upon today is the
faith to live. That is not the one Jesus was
talking about! Because he will meet that one
But he was talking about faith to hold
tenaciously to the truth of holiness and
righteousness, faith to live a separated life in
the midst of corruptible world.

People love themselves more than their
fellowmen, that is why the money that belong
to ten people, or a community, someone will
just pocket it, and glory in it!
And by the time you here their names, they
are Christian by name but not by character!

Selfishness is the reason why some people
gets to an executive position and didn’t want
to leave there again. Is the reason you
transfer a pastor to a mission station, and
didn’t want leave that place again, and if he
is transferred, he will tender his resignation
letter to start his own in the same town!
Me! Me! Me! Or i! I! I! Is the language of end
time virus called selfishness, the bible says,
men shall be lover of their own selves.
That is the brain behind Lucifer the morning
star who turned to Satan fell from heaven.
Hear what he said.
"How are you fallen from heaven, o Lucifer,
son of the morning! How are you cut down to
the ground, which did weaken the nation!

For you say in your heart, i will ascend to
heaven, i will exalt my throne above the stars
of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the side of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; i
will be like the most high.

Yet you shall be broken down in to hell, to the
side of the pit."Isaiah 14:12-15.
You will see from these scriptures that Satan
said “I” Five times, in Verses 13 & 14. This end
time virus called selfishness is from the pit of
hell, to lure so many people to hell.
Anything you do and you put yourself at the
center instead of Christ as a child of god
makes you a candidate of hell!
Anytime you put yourself at the center you
are on your own. That is the reason why so
many didn’t want to take fault or blame, when
there is misunderstanding. Anytime you
quarrel with someone and you don’t want to
be blame, you have put yourself at the
center. You are equal to Satan in nature!
But if you take the blame though you are not
guilty for peace to reign for Christ sake.

Then you are little Christ! Why?
Because the bible says, "....while we were yet
sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8. He
took our position in sins for mankind to be at
peace with god!

Therefore, as many who will come to Jesus
and surrender their lives to him, are made to
become right with god!
For he (God) has made him to be sin for us,
who knew no sin; that we might become the
righteousness of god in him." II Corinthians
Therefore, let’s check our lives, and flush out
that end times spiritual virus out of our lives.
Come out of it and live for Christ; put him at
the center of everything. And put the interest
of others first!
May be you are reading this message and you
have not yet surrender your life to Jesus. Do
so now, because the end times are here! God
is rounding up his programs on the earth! So
that you will not regret you’re coming to this
world after death!
Jesus can come at any moment from now too,
so that either dead or alive, we will make it to
heaven!. ..Say this prayer with all your heart ¬¬¬¬>



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