DATE: 12:07:014
TEXT: Dan4:31-34, Matt7:21-23,
Luke13:26-28, Luke21:34-36.
When we shall cross over who will you
blame, if you miss the rapture? Many people
inside and outside the church continue to
harden their heart not minding the
consequences and preaching in the church
and outside the church, some of this people
claim to be saved, they claim to be workers,
leaders and pastors yet their heart is far
from God, they are specialist in calling on the
Lord, they know all the languages in the
church e.g. Sister, brother,brethre n etc but
they do not do the will of God, Matt7:21,
many of them will be disappointed on that
day, those who are contentious, who have
strife, are not doing the will of God, if you
are like that and you are here, you need to
amend from today, if you die in such
condition, the question is whom will you
blame, The pastor or God? Many of such
people are too close to the pastor, and they
have the name of God in their mouth but
their heart is far from God, such people
names are not in the book of life, God does
not even know them, listen to me, you don't
know the hour when you shall be called
home,many of such people are so religious,
but their heart is far from God Matt13:14-15,
Many come to church and do what they like,I
want to let you know, if you are not
converted and you are doing religion,
religion without Christ is unacceptable.Ev
eryone wishing to make heaven must do the
will of God at all time, if you die without
repentance whom will you blame? 2Cor8:20
We don't want to be blamed, that's why we
are bring this truth to you, in other for you
to serve God in fear and trembling Phil2:12.
We shall consider this message under the
following subheadings
Many people because of the deceitfulness of
sin and Satan has harden their heart as if
though God will not judge sin, if you yield
yourself to evil it will make you not to yield
to the truth, many continue to do
wickedness because they do not see the
judgement of God immediately Matt13:22
deceitfulness of riches hinders many from
doing the will of God Heb3:13, sin hinders
the heart, sin makes you not to listen, and
their are people who have continue to lie,
steal etc and they still claim to be in the
church, they continue because God has
delayed His judgement Ecc8:11. I want you
to understand that God will surely judge
sinners, out of His love He may have patience
with you but if you refuse to amend, He will
judge you Ecc12:13. Whatsoever you have
done, no matter how long it was done, God
will surely judge that sin, you need to search
your life because there is no more time,
antichrist is everywhere, if you continue to
wallow in your sin one day you shall be
judge, no matter how fast or too clever you
are in covering your sins, you can never hide
your sins before God Heb4:13, Even the little
creatures are manifest before Him and
remember the eyes you have is the eyes of
God Matt6:18, 1Sam16:7, whatever you
conceived in your heart or think, God knows
about it because He seeth the heart, when
ever you commits evil, God sees you
Wherever you are, save God in fear and
trembling, when you are talking,
thinking,doing, make sure you do all in the
fear of God. It is not good for you to do evil,
if you do evil you will be expose to danger,
and the devil can kill you. Many people who
do evil limit God to an ordinary man and
these people who limit God acts
hypocritically and manifest outward show,
Work cannever save anybody, you need to
search your life and make sure nothing is
standing between you and God Matt15:7-8,
many are full with bitterness, strife,
contention, uncleanness, and they call upon
God only in their lips but their heart is far
from God, if you are like that when you drop
this body, whom will you blame? Such
people are under curse and God is not
happy with them Psalm7:11
Anyone who is alive should repent and
amend their ways, Christ is still saving
sinner, take advantage and amend
Luke19:41-44, Matt11:21-24, Matt7:21-23,
Numb32:23, Heb9:27, Mark8:36
So, if you give yourself in the pursuit of
vanity, it will make you become vain, handle
the things of this world with a light hand
1Cor7:29-31,35 You have to do something
before it will become too late, what is it that
you should do? Repent now!, Any person
who continue to sin or live in hypocrite and
die, such person will be cast into hell fire.
1Cor6:9 And so, unrighteous people shall
not inherit the kingdom of God, for sinners
and backsliders you need to repent, forsake
your ways and live a life to please God,
1John3:8 A Christian is not a sinner and a
sinner is not a Christian John3:16,
John1:29,Rev 21:8, Dan4:31, Rom10:13 As
you give your life to Christ it shall be well
with you.
Warning: God Will Destroy Humanity Again... Our Father in heaven, the Almighty God is the Creator of heaven and earth and everything inside them whether in heaven or on earth or beneath the earth. Psalm 24:1 says,” The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. ” So, we can see from the above, that all things in the earth or in heaven or beneath the earth were created and established by Him. Genesis 1:1-2 reveals,” In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” By implication, everything inside the earth as had already been emphasized, was created by God. Br John 1:1-3 also affirms,” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 A...
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